Swimming Pool Products

Pool Magic Dry Acid (Soft Pack)


Decreases pH in swimming pool water

100% Sodium Bisulphate powder.
Alternative to liquid pool acid
Product designed in granular form for lowering pH

Lowers pH in swimming pools & spas
Spills can be cleaned more easily than liquid acid
Suitable as a stain treatment in some cases
Non DG

Add the correct amount of Pool Magic Dry Acid as a slurry mix to the pool water at no greater than 10g per 1000L per day. Dosage rates indicated are only a guide

Pack Sizes Available:
3Kg (6 units/carton)  & 25Kg Bulk Bags

[vc_btn title=”VIEW SDS” shape=”square” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-file-pdf-o” link=”url:http://klorman-industries.com/pool-magic/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/05/pool_magic_dry_acid_sds.pdf|title:VIEW SDS|target:”_blank” add_icon=”true”]

SKU: PMB006 Category:
Additional Information
Weight 3 kg