28 Oct Difference between commercial and residential pool maintenance
Hiring an expert to maintain the pool is vital regardless of whether it is used for commercial or residential purposes. Moreover, correctly maintained pools have all the contaminants which might cause harm to anyone using this amenity removed. Therefore, an excellent filtration system and regular maintenance are essential if you want to increase the lifespan of your pool. There are several differences between commercial and commercial pool maintenance. Here are the five key points highlighting how the maintenance of residential and commercial pools differ.
- Cheaper technicians mostly clean commercial pools
Big pool-cleaning corporations land deals to clean commercial pools by undercutting their competitors. Thus, because the rates charged by these companies are deemed to be cheaper, they often are given the deal. However, most commercial property owners fail to recognize that this company most likely hires the services of poorly qualified technicians that are most likely less experienced, less qualified, and underpaid hence less motivated. Consequently, the quality of service provided in most cases is dismal.
- It is much simpler to clean residential pools
Residential pools are much simpler to clean compared to commercial pools. This is because they have less water, are smaller, and have fewer swimmers using it, subsequently making it cheaper to clean them.
- Commercial pools are not regularly super-chlorinated
Have you ever wondered why commercial pools always have stronger chlorinated smell compared to residential pools? Well, that smell is not caused by chlorine but by chloramines, which result from chlorine killing the organic materials. Therefore, the stronger this smell is, the filthier the pool. To neutralize this pungent smell, the levels of chlorine in the commercial pool should be boosted by adding three to five times the standard level of chlorine to make the pool super chlorinated. Doing this will restore the chlorine levels to normal devoid of all the chloramines. Thus, the strong chlorine smell in commercial pools is because they are not super chlorinated regularly.
- You will find more outdoor contaminants in residential pools
About 99.9% of all residential pools are situated outdoors; hence, your pool gets stained with outdoor pollutants every time you make use of it. You thus need to skim the contaminants, including those invisible to the naked eye, like pollen from the residential pool more frequently in comparison to commercial pools. Nevertheless, this is the only maintenance downside of having a residential pool.